Issue #1:

Ever try to install a local development instance of SharePoint 2013, only to have the configuration wizard conk out around step #4 indicating a timeout error when starting services?

Me, too. I cried like an infant with a wet diaper in a childish attempt to project utter discomfort and anguish to anyone or anything within a 3 mile radius. I’m pretty sure not a single bit was shed by the VM. My co-workers, however, have scheduled an intervention.

You, being of sound mentality and professionalism, checked the installation log file for more information, and found something similar to the following:

06/03/2014 14:56:00 6 ERR Failed to register SharePoint services.
An exception of type System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException was thrown. Additional exception information: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed.
System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException: Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed.
 at System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus desiredStatus, TimeSpan timeout)
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.Win32.SPAdvApi32.StartService(String strServiceName)
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWindowsServiceInstance.Start()
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWindowsServiceInstance.Provision(Boolean start)
 at Microsoft.Office.Server.Conversions.LauncherServiceInstance.Provision()
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.ServicesTask.InstallServiceInstanceInConfigDB(Boolean provisionTheServiceInstanceToo, String serviceInstanceRegistryKeyName, Object sharepointServiceObject)
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.ServicesTask.InstallServiceInstances(Boolean provisionTheServiceInstancesToo, String serviceRegistryKeyName, Object sharepointServiceObject)
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.ServicesTask.InstallServices(Boolean provisionTheServicesToo)
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.ServicesTask.Run()
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.TaskThread.ExecuteTask()

The Fix:

To the registry! Follow this post, add the key and DWORDs as instructed, and re-run the SharePoint configuration wizard.


bit_noIssue #2. No No No No … !

Yes, BIT. Another issue has been detected.

We made it to step 8 in the SharePoint Configuration Wizard, at least! But it failed all over the place again. Go to your log file and you’ll likely find this:

06/03/2014 15:05:19 16 ERR An exception of type System.ArgumentException was thrown. Additional exception information: The SDDL string contains an invalid sid or a sid that cannot be translated.
Parameter name: sddlForm
System.ArgumentException: The SDDL string contains an invalid sid or a sid that cannot be translated.
Parameter name: sddlForm
 at System.Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor.BinaryFormFromSddlForm(String sddlForm)
 at System.Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor..ctor(String sddlForm)
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.Win32.SPNetApi32.CreateShareSecurityDescriptor(String[] readNames, String[] changeNames, String[] fullControlNames, String& sddl)
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.Win32.SPNetApi32.CreateFileShare(String name, String description, String path)
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPServer.CreateFileShare(String name, String description, String path)
 at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.AnalyticsAdministration.CreateAnalyticsUNCShare(String dirParentLocation, String shareName)
 at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.AnalyticsAdministration.ProvisionAnalyticsShare(SearchServiceApplication serviceApplication)
 at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.AnalyticsAdministration.CreateDefaultStoreLocation(SearchServiceApplication serviceApplication)
 at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.AnalyticsAdministration.ProvisionRawEventStore(SearchServiceApplication serviceApplication)
 at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.AnalyticsServiceAdministration.Provision()
 at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceApplication.Provision()
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.EvalModeProvisionTask.ProvisionServiceApplicationsAndProxies()
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.EvalModeProvisionTask.Run()
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.PostSetupConfiguration.TaskThread.ExecuteTask()

Isn’t this magical?

And the fix is … ?

Share your Analytics, my friend. Your Analytics_{GUID} folder, that is.

  1. Open explorer and go to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\15.0\Data\Office Server.
  2. Right click the Analytics_{GUID} folder -> Sharing -> Advanced Sharing.
  3. Click “Share This Folder”, leave the Share name defaulted, then click Permissions.
  4. Because this is a dev instance, just give Everyone Full Control access (and feel OK about it).
  5. Re-run the wizard.

NOTE: For full disclosure, I found this here. I did not need to check for DB security permissions, nor did I have to add the WSS_ADMIN_WPG account specifically.

Is that the end?

Yes. Enjoy your development instance of SharePoint 2013. Preferably with a decent pint of ale.


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