Recently, Axian hosted a group of high school students from the School of Science and Technology, a local Beaverton School District Options School. For an internship project, they had developed proposals and wireframes with concepts to evolve a collaborative portal for all of the Teachers in the Beaverton School District. The students were divided into three groups to tackle different ideas around security, sharing content with other platforms, and creating a mobile-optimized version of the website. Their presentations were very well researched and professional, and their ideas both creative and insightful. The Axian team was very impressed! It was great to hear ideas from the students, and to be able to provide them with feedback to further their efforts on expanding their project.
At Axian, we strongly believe that children are the next generation of ourselves in this increasingly technological age, and that they should be fully encouraged and supported to develop as whole people through STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math). It was really great to be a part of making this happen in a very tangible way, and we look forward to hosting more workshops with these brilliant young people to engage with them in building their futures.